Social Networking Sites

For this assignment, I visited social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit. I’ve never really used any of these sites so after making an account on each platform website, it was interesting to see how the comparisons as well as the differences. The obvious similarity is that one can make a post easily, the only difference is that on Twitter, they limited to 280 characters. But platforms such as Reddit, Tumblr, and Facebook, there is no limit from what I see. Even if there was a limit, it would be greater than the character count of Twitters’. Along with a creating, and sharing a post, all of the platforms mentioned allow one to share images, and the most trendiest images used are gifs (animated images) as well as videos and links alongside with the message one would like to post. After browsing around Facebook, they have more variety than the other platforms when it comes to making a post. They let their users “ask for recommendations, answer questions, check in, support nonprofits” etc. And when it comes to layout, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr are similar to where the user’s name is on the top left corner, and the posts are in the middle. For Reddit, it’s quite different. Most of the buttons one would need to use to visit their profile would be located on the top right side of the window. I know there are many differences and similarities I missed but overall, these four sites are very similar when it comes to their purpose which is to allow the user to express themselves and be connected with others.


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