Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are realistic environments generated by computers. The term virtual reality allows us to interact with such environments through sensory stimuli which is created by the computer. Virtual reality has been used in many different categories, but mostly when it comes to entertainment specifically in the gaming industry. This can be broadened to actual gaming that people do, or as relaxation. Virtual reality became so prominent as well as a trend. Virtual world has really shaped reality for many people which can be an advantage but also a disadvantage. According to Virtual world may impact real-world behavior, the article gave us an example of how virtual worlds in the gaming industry affected people’s behavior. A study was conducted where participants were either given a character of a hero, a villain and someone who is neutral and after playing for sometime, they have to choose between giving future participants either or chili sauce. The results were that people who played as a hero gave future participants chocolates whereas the ones who played as villains gave chili sauce to future participants. This goes to show that virtual worlds do have an impact on people’s behaviors and how they view others in the real world. 

While many people use virtual worlds to game, others use it as relaxation. A place where they can do whatever they want, look however they want, etc. Virtual world sites such as, and let people express themselves when they can’t do it in actual reality. According to Ruth La Ferla’s No Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You explains how these social networking virtual worlds are used by many people. People play these games not being restrained by finances, they can express themselves in a creative way and can spend their online money on unlimited things they wouldn’t be able to afford in reality. This becomes an advantage because people can leisurely play the game. But playing too much can become a disadvantage as it would get users to become addicted to something that may not be real.

The future of virtual worlds seems scary as they dominate the gaming industry. Virtual reality has found itself in other categories other than the entertainment industry. It’s found itself in education, many students experience something they wouldn’t necessarily have. Because the rate of virtual reality is increasing, it can potentially replace communication overall.



  1. I agree, virtual reality has it's advantages and disadvantages. I would say the scariest thing about virtual reality and even technology, that it's replacing communication and emotion. Technology is constantly upgrading and changing, this impacts these virtual world programs. People begin to depend too much on virtual simulations. These programs do help people, but they also effect our perception. Although you can gain an experience from a virtual simulation, you can't physically feel the emotions.


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