The rise of new media has allowed creativity to be reached at levels it’s never seen before. Now, new media allows people to express themselves in different ways on media platforms when it comes to entertainment and art. People take pictures and texts out of context and create something out of it. An example can be memes, parodies, gifs, etc. These three examples have changed our culture to what it is today, it is being used by multiple generations all due to new media. These examples are passed to one another as a form of communication that sometimes really does not have a serious meaning behind it, it’s mostly use for comedic effect. According to Brooks Barnes Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?, the author states how a musical artist took Disney characters to create a mash-up parody of a song. The artist took something out of context and used it to their own benefit. The parody later became popular which seems to be great because it promoteed both sides of the parties, the musical artist as well as Disney.
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